Tag Archives: HDR

Morning by the river and some HDR


Taking up photography again has had some interesting side-effects on me. One of them is that it gives me a motivation for getting up very early in the morning – on my days off! So yesterday I did it again, got up early had me some breakfast and filled my thermos with coffee. We’ve had some really nice Easter weather here in Norway and I  had hoped to get some rays of morning sunshine caught in the little  shallow river-valley here close by where we live. But of course, the weather does as it damn well pleases, and by the time I had gotten my gear together and headed out, the clouds started to gather. The picture above was just as I left home.


So when I reached the river the light was all flat and there’s really no telling what time of day it is. But getting out and walking in the fresh air is a nice thing to do anyway. Taking pictures can be a little like fishing I think, getting out and doing it is the main thing. If I “catch” anything that’s nice, but I find the pleasure of the process itself to be the main purpose. Walking about in a semi-trance like state of mind like I do when I get “in the zone” is what drives me. No additional stimulants needed (but some coffee tastes nice of course ;-))


There will always be views, patterns, symbols or whatever that draws my attention when strolling about like this. The great thing about learning how to shoot pictures is that it now becomes possible to experience them not only as an act of observation, but also to create some kind expression out of it. Many of these charged moments of attention will remain in my own universe. But should I occasionally be able to create a picture that can touch a nerve outside of my own space, that would mean…something.  That I’ve taken a good picture perhaps 🙂


Everybody’s a photographer these days with our mobile cameras always at hand, and all kinds of possible ways to publish our snaps for all to see. One technique that is often used to create images that attempts to stand out from the crowd is by HDR (High Dynamic Range). That means merging two or more pictures taken of  the same view and with different exposures. The point is to overcome the cameras limitation of  its possible dynamic range taken in one exposure. In simple terms; the camera cannot make images with very dark areas and very light areas in the same picture without some of the information getting lost. But by combining images in post production taken with different exposures we can overcome this limitation.


A typical situation is when taking a picture of a sunrise (2 days ago) like here. With a single exposure I wouldn’t be able to make out both the details on the clouds closest to the sun (very light) and the bark on the trees in the suns shadow (very dark). This would be beyond the dynamic range of the camera’s sensor. But by merging pictures that are over- and under-exposed we can make this happen. In this case I’ve merged 5 pictures. They were all taken with aperture f 5.6 and ISO 400. But the shutter speeds varied from 1/640 sec (underexposed) to 1/100 sec (overexposed).

Making HDR pictures people tend to go overboard making all sorts of ghastly effects. It’s a matter of taste of course, but you very rarely see professional photographers doing this. To add an effect to picture it should have some artistic purpose IMO.


I shot this funny little bridge as I walked up the river yesterday. To do a little experimentation I shot some series of 5 pictures to try to merge into HDR.


This is a merge of the series that the first picture was taken from. Here I removed the colors and pulled up the shadows a little bit.


This is a merge of another series where ramped up the color information from the different exposures. Still pretty moderate as HDR images go.


In this baby however, I used the possible effects HDR imagery can provide and pumped out some details information that you normally cannot do from a single exposure. But that is the kind of expression I wanted here as I think it suits the motive of the picture.

So, maybe not a great catch today, but still a good walk and as always an opportunity to experiment and learn something new.